Bad Credit Loans


Five Credit Mistakes Made By Rookies
by Matthew Gause

Second Mistake-Having a swamp-like credit card. Swamps are nasty places where water collects and sits for a very long time. Credit bureaus like accounts that are more like streams then swamps. Pay more then the minimum payment and have a healthy flow with your cards. When balances sit for a long period of time it sends the wrong message. It says that you use credit because you have to, not because you want to.

Third Mistake-Maxing out any account. Maxed out credit cards indicate that you are relying on your credit to survive. Creditors label these accounts as high risk and give you a bad credit report in the process. Never carry a balance over 30% of your credit card limit to avoid this mistake.

Fourth Mistake-Having a lack of understanding. Knowledge is power. The more you know about your credit the better off you will be. It takes time for anyone to establish a great credit score. Sorry, there are no tricks you can do to speed up the process. Knowing your credit report early will give you valuable information to build on.

The last thing anyone wants is to be denied for a loan when they need it most. Know where you stand with your credit as early as possible. If you don’t know exactly where you stand get a free credit report today. You are in a great position to take positive action with your credit future.

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