Customers looking for a car loan the sheer number of options that are presented to you would probably drive you crazy. At this current moment, due to market conditions, people suffering from poor to bad credit will stand to benefit the most when applying for auto loans. The competitive market has driven banks, credit unions, manufacturers, dealers and online providers to push interest rates down to the bare minimum.
It is recommended that customers first determine that make of car that they are interested in and inquire if there is a 0% loan scheme available. Sometimes lucky customers can drive away with a new car and have their interest settled by the car manufacturer. Unfortunately the credit requirements for such deals are normally very high thus aren’t exactly suitable for people with poor to bad credit histories.
Bad credit sufferers may also start their auto loan search at Credit Unions as these offer the most competitive rates. Their credit history requirements are also quite high but it is still worth a try. Next are banks and special lending institutions, their rates are very normal but are much more open to customers with poor to bad credit.
Lastly, we suggest that approaching the car dealer to be the last option. There have been many cases where customers have paid exorbitant amounts of money for a loan that they could have paid much less for if they did not involve the car dealers. It is important that the borrower always beware in these kinds of situations. Read every letter in the agreement and always compare rates.
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