Understanding Your Credit Rating by Jay Bush
Once you have a copy of your credit report you need to check it for accuracy. Make sure everything on your report belongs to you. Any errors you find need to be reported to the appropriate credit bureau. They then have 30 days to investigate and get back to you on their findings. Any items that are in error or that cannot be verified must be removed.
For some this is a confusing process or they simply don't have the patience. There are companies that can help you with this process. Make sure you check out thoroughly any company you do business with. Make sure they have a good track record and don't be afraid to check with the better business bureau. Any company that claims to be able clean up your record overnight I would be suspicious of. Bad Credit repair is not a quick process. It can take months and in some cases years to resolve.
For more information on credit ratings and credit repair there is a ton of information available on the internet. Just remember if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
Learn how to improve your credit score and increase your rating. For more information on credit reports, credit repair, and credit monitoring services please visit Credit Report Improvement.
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