Bad Credit Loans


6 Ways In Which You Can Avoid The History Of bad credit
by Ryan Wegman

4. Does this all still exist?
You can still find this type of environment but it's gone for the most part replaced by the modern day credit card and department store card. This is a system designed with the theory that you never have to pay off the balance in full. This is called a revolving credit or charge account; pay off some, then spend it to the limit. Its addictive and you will join the ranks of people with bad credit if you continue.

5. What happened to the people
This is where people get in to trouble everyday, late payments piling up, and debt occurring from interest added stress. I don’t know of anyone who wants or needs this. As an evolution of this process, it was natural that some type of credit reporting system would be created. Then suddenly the dawn of the credit bureau began.

Creditors or merchants were concerned about doing business with bad debtors; they needed a way to report problem consumers and a way to get the information about them before they established an account for them. 

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