6 Ways In Which You Can Avoid The History Of bad credit by Ryan Wegman
Your bad credit habits are deeply rooted from years of practice. Even before you or your parents knew what credit was people were robbing you of your hard earned money. See if you can find the pattern and unlock the secrets to your future. Credit is so important to use you must learn it protect it and use it wisely. Let's go back into time and see a life before we had perfect credit.
1. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Our nation is in chaos and the root of it all stems from good graces of man. Credit is deeply rooted into our history, it stems from a person's or merchant’s product or service is priced too high for the average consumer. When payment from the patron for the item(s) was not convenient at the current time arrangement could be negotiated. This was the birth of the consumer credit program.
Let's look at a typical California House priced at $395,000. The builder, in order to make a profit, needs to sell many of these homes at this price. How many of us have $395,000 to plop down in one lump sum?
If the builder only sold homes to people who could pay the lump sum, they would not sell many homes and the price would skyrocket to $3,395,000 due to the need for the builder to earn an equitable profit. On the other hand the builder would not make any profit if the homes were sold at $4000 or even $40,000.
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