Online Credit Repair by Victor Long
First of all you are entitled to receive a free credit report, if your application for credit has been denied. The company will provide you information within 60 days of receipt of your application and will give you name, address and phone number of the consumer reporting company.
If you think that some of the information is inaccurate, you may report it to the consumer reporting company in writing and by submitting it personally or by certified return post. You must include all documents to support your claim. You should request the consumer reporting company to remove the inaccurate clauses.
Consumer reporting company investigates the matter and also forward all the relevant document to the organization. The investigation is generally carried out within 30 days and if found disputed information accurate, is reported to the three nationwide consumer reporting companies so that your records can be corrected.
If the investigation carried out by consumer reporting company does not resolve the dispute, you may request to provide a statement of dispute in your credit files. You may also initiate to provide this information to the lender by submitting copies of the disputes.
Bad Credit Report:
If you have really a negative credit report, you will have to wait for seven to ten years, as most of the consumer reporting companies keep the negative information for seven and bankruptcy information for ten years. Generally the period counts from the date when the event took place.
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