Online Credit Repair by Victor Long
Late payment is the main reason for a bad credit report. To avoid a bad credit report all payments due should be paid in time and all the time. As most the time various factors such as how many times the late payment was made, what amount was due, by how many days the payment was delayed etc are considered for a bad credit report.
The bad credit report also depends upon the specific lenders. Some of the lenders may not report to credit bureau if you are late by a few days, however they may charge a late fee. As per one estimate if you are late for a single payment for one month, your credit score may go down by 50 points.
There are various agencies claims that they can repair your bad credit, you should not believe on such advertisements and try to take some steps yourself for repairing credit. Instead of taking help from these companies by paying their fees, you can get the information and take necessary step to repair your credit rating.
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