Cash Back Credit Cards: A Good Idea Or A Sneaky Way To Get You To Sign Up? by Colm Carraher
A cash back credit card always seems like a good idea. Imagine being able to get cash back on all purchases made with your credit card; it's almost too good to be true.
It is happening, however, you will only usually get around 1% cash back. But, it's free cash, right? well almost.
This type of credit card is becoming popular with consumers who like to buy a lot of things in one month. But you must remember that they are not going to pay you for every purchase that you make. Even if they state that every purchase will have cash back, they won’t let you go over a certain amount of money in one transaction. The credit card companies also have a strict limit on what they will pay back every year. The limits are there and are hidden in the small print of the form that you signed to say that you would like this card and accept the terms and agreements.
These companies are looking for new customers all the time and this is just another way to draw them in. It is a good credit card to have, however, it will still require them to check your credit rating to see if you are a bad credit risk.
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