Why Second Mortgage Loans beat Home Equity Lines of Credit by Richard Revis
When it comes to home equity loans, there are mainly two different options: A second mortgage loan or a home equity line of credit. The following article will explore the reasons why a second mortgage is a much better choice than a home equity line of credit in most occasions and especially given the current market conditions.
Second Mortgage Vs. Home Equity Lines of Credit A second mortgage loan is just like a regular mortgage loan, it is a secured loan guaranteed by the same asset as the first mortgage and holds an interest rate that can be fixed or variable. The flexibility regarding the interest rate type is the distinctiveness we will focus on in this article. People with bad credit should pay particular attention.
Home Equity lines of credit on the other hand, let you borrow and repay as much money as you want till you reach certain limit fixed by the remaining equity on your home. However, once you repay part of the money borrowed, you can borrow again without requesting a new loan. This revolving line of credit is not as flexible when it comes to interest rate type. Equity lines of credit ALWAYS come with variable interest rate.
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