Cash Back Credit Cards: A Good Idea Or A Sneaky Way To Get You To Sign Up? by Colm Carraher
If you are willing to browse around and see what different companies are offering, then you may find a cash back credit card that offers exactly what you have been looking for: a high percentage, few limits, and instant cash deposits on every transaction you make with the card.
These credit cards are very impressive, but some companies will need your credit rating to be almost as impressive as the card itself. There are some companies that will cater to people with a bad credit history and will help them fix their credit rating.
So what should you do? If you have good credit, this may be a good option for you. You may be able to find a card that will give you 3% back and only imposes certain limits. If, on the other hand, you have bad credit, this card might not be the best choice for you; you may be better of sticking with cards that build your credit.
Colm Carraher is an author and regular contributor to - A comprehensive online resource packed with hints and tips for all credit related topics.
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